Thursday, May 21, 2009

Tips for Recovering From DEPRESSION

If you’ve had depression, you know how hopeless you can feel.
It’s important to get professional treatment. But there are things you can
do to help ease symptoms of depression. Exercise, changing your diet, and even
playing with a pet can help improve your mood.

See below how you can start regaining control of your life.

Let Your Pet Nuzzle Blues Away

Sometimes your pet really can be your best friend — and that’s good therapy.
When you play with your pet, you take your mind off your own problems. Also, when
you take care of your pet you’re fulfilling a commitment to something outside yourself.
Caring for others can be very therapeutic.

Eat Smart to Lift Mind and Body

There’s a connection between mind and body.
A healthy diet not only fuels your body, but it also helps
you feel better. Watching calories is important. So is limiting fat
and sugar. Build your diet around plenty of fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains to help improve both your health and stabilize your mood.

Choose Foods to Boost Your Mood

Some studies suggest omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B-12 may
help ease mood changes such as depression. Fatty fish such as salmon,
tuna, and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids. So do flaxseed, nuts, and
dark green vegetables. Seafood and low-fat dairy products are good sources for
B-12. Vegetarians who eat no meat or fish may take supplements.

Try Low-Fat Carbs for a Pick-Me-Up

Serotonin is a brain chemical that enhances your sense of well-being.
Carbohydrates — when eaten alone without protein — raise the level of serotonin
in your brain. Low-fat carbs such as a baked potato, graham crackers, or pasta without
meat may help lift you out of a blue funk.

Drink Less Caffeine to Improve Mood

Do you really need that third cup of coffee?
Anxiety is a common symptom of depression. And too much
caffeine can make you nervous, jittery, or anxious. So cutting back
on soda, coffee, tea, and chocolate can make a big difference in your mood.
It can also help you sleep better at night.

Treat Your Aches and Pains

Chronic pain can cause depression,
and depression can make pain worse. Work
with your health care team to treat your depression
and your pain.

Exercise to Change the Way You Feel

For some people, exercise works as well or even better than antidepressants.
And you don’t have to run a marathon. Just take a walk with a friend. As time goes on,
increase activity until you exercise on most days. You’ll feel better physically, sleep better at night,
and feel less depressed.

Choose an Exercise You Enjoy

If you don’t like to run, you won’t last long training for the marathon.
But you will stay with a moderate exercise you enjoy. For instance, try
golfing without a cart, riding a bike, working in your garden, playing tennis,
or swimming. The important thing is to pick something you like. Then you’ll look
forward to it and feel better when you do it.

Exercise With Others for Support

Staying connected with other people helps overcome the lethargy,
exhaustion, and loneliness of depression. Join an exercise group or exercise
with a friend. You’ll stay connected. And you’ll have support to help you stay on track!

Be Sure You Get Enough Sunlight

Do you feel more depressed during darker, cold months?
You may have seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. SAD is most
common in the winter when there’s less sunlight. SAD is often treated
with light therapy or exposure to artificial sunlight. Ask your doctor if light
therapy is right for you.

Explore Your Creativity

Painting, photography, music, knitting, or writing in a journal:
these are all ways people explore their feelings and express what’s
on their mind. Being creative can help you feel better. The goal isn’t to
create a masterpiece. Do something that gives you pleasure. It may help you
better understand who you are and how you feel.

Make Time for Mindful Relaxation

Stress and anxiety can increase your depression symptoms
and make it harder to recover. Learning to mentally relax can help
restore a sense of calm and control. You might consider a yoga or meditation
class. Or you could simply listen to soothing music while you take a long, hot bath.

Become Actively Involved

Being involved with others can help you regain a sense of purpose.
And it doesn’t take much to get started. Try volunteering with a charity.
Or join a discussion group at the library or at church. Meeting new people and
doing new things will help you feel good about yourself.

Keep Friends and Family in Your Life

The people who love you want to support you.
If you shut them out, they can’t. If you let them in,
you’ll feel a lot better. Call a friend and go for a walk. Have a
cup of coffee with your partner. You may find it helps to talk about
your depression. It feels good to have someone listen.

Get the Healthy Sleep You Need

Depression interferes with healthy sleep.
Some people with depression sleep too much.
Others can’t fall asleep easily. As you recover from
depression, relearn good sleep habits. Start by going to bed
and getting up the same time each day. Use relaxation techniques to
help fall asleep. Healthy sleep makes you feel better physically and mentally.

Avoid Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol and drugs can slow or prevent recovery from depression.
They can also make your depression worse and interfere with the medicines
you take for depression. If you have a problem with substance abuse, ask for help now.
You’ll have a far better chance of recovering from depression.

Continue Your Treatment

The steps outlined in these may help you feel positive about your life.
But by themselves, they’re not enough. They won’t replace medical treatment
or talk therapy. Depression is a serious illness, and it carries a risk of suicide. If
you are thinking about suicide, seek help immediately. And never stop or
change treatment without discussing it carefully with your doctor.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Suvo noboborsho

Sobbaike janai suvo nobo borsho, suvo 1416. Notun bochor sobar valo katuk ... 

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Google launches India election website

Google in partnership with Hindustan times launches a website, called Lok Sabha Election 2009.

Just visit it ones and be an informed voter. :-)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Here goes my first post ....

This is really nice to see the blog has finally come out. Really appreciate the initiative taken by our beloved Sourav. Special thanks to Swarup for the initial effort he has put to come up with the ppt. It was really nice to see the presentation as it brought back some sweet memories of college days.

However I also feel this blog can be a good platform to stay updated with the whereabouts of our batchmates. So please feel free to post :-)

So Shubho is in Kolkata now. Probably few of you could manage to meet him today (though attendance was quite poor it seems :P). It will be great if someone could post a details of the meeting.

Good news from my side ... Planning to visit Kolkata in June (though not yet booked my ticket.) 

So thats all from my side today. Looking forward for the weekend ahead :-) Wish you all also  a very happy weekend. 

And stay tuned for more posts from my side.

Meeting @ Sector V Saltlake, kolkata 13/03/09

Subhajit is now in kolkata, he will come to sector v, salt-lake on this friday (13/03/09) at 6 pm. Those who want to meet please come at infinity building at 6 pm. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Welcome to CERA IT 05 blog


           As I have proposed earlier to make a blog for all our classmates in CCT 2005 batch IT dept. Our blog is now ready.

          You may ask, what is its need after almost four years we have passed out? What I thought is that I wanted to bring all our batch mates under a single roof, so that all can be connected & contacted. After passing out all of us basically got scattered, many of them outside kolkata, so we can rarely meet. So the need of a virtual meeting place. There are already so many ways to be connected but I think these are not that well effective. I thought a blog can be. A place where all can share their news, views and anything, yes anything that one want to share. So I thought & created it. 

        To share anything you have to send a single mail to the admin or moderators of this blog (presently very few, but surely increase) and your message is reached out to all your classmates who are visiting this blog. The idea is simple. What I need is that everyone needs to be active & visits our blog regularly. This won't take you much of your time. Isn't it ?

      I have made my best effort to list name of all our classmates (look at right). If by any chance I missed any, please inform me. If there are any errors kindly notify me. Your views and suggestions are welcome to make it a big hit.
     You can share anything, any news, pictures etc etc . 

   Whenever we plan to meet in kolkata that we will post here, so visit it regularly.

      Lastly I want to thank Swarup Namta. It is because of him I got this whole idea. Recently he contacted as many people he could and made a wonderful presentation. Well that ppt is not completed yet. If you have not contributed to that do it now.

    This effort can only succeeds if you participate in it. Without you this won't survive. Don't just regularly visit it, contribute to it also with your writings etc. Make it a place where 'if you blink it you miss it'.

    Good bye, Hope this is not the only post. :-)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lorem Ipsum

"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..."

"There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas magna. Nulla convallis nunc sit amet ligula. Duis lacus velit, euismod eget, aliquet quis, dictum quis, libero. Mauris dapibus adipiscing ante. Nullam felis orci, accumsan eget, tincidunt quis, pulvinar non, urna. Ut sit amet ligula. Maecenas vel nunc. Ut est sem, sodales quis, molestie a, sollicitudin quis, mi. Donec viverra viverra augue. Pellentesque ligula urna, tempus sed, cursus ac, blandit non, quam. Mauris at metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque ut erat scelerisque turpis convallis dignissim. Curabitur tortor. Quisque est dolor, blandit id, scelerisque eu, gravida nec, nisl. Vivamus faucibus.

Morbi convallis, enim quis commodo ultrices, nisl dolor consequat risus, vitae porttitor purus turpis ac diam. Sed lobortis augue at nunc placerat interdum. Fusce lorem. Aenean porttitor. Curabitur pulvinar dapibus mauris. Phasellus ac justo ut nunc aliquam pretium. Pellentesque condimentum leo sit amet nisi fermentum malesuada. Etiam commodo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Aenean nisi diam, feugiat ut, hendrerit sed, dignissim at, neque. Aliquam velit elit, interdum quis, lacinia vitae, tempus ultrices, mi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque et nulla in ligula ultrices vestibulum. Maecenas sed augue a sem iaculis ullamcorper. Ut vehicula. Morbi nulla quam, ultricies a, faucibus non, posuere in, dui. Praesent elit lorem, euismod convallis, accumsan a, scelerisque eget, tellus. Etiam aliquam.

Nunc blandit dapibus felis. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce justo mauris, posuere quis, sodales eu, euismod at, arcu. Fusce tortor metus, pellentesque non, dignissim at, vehicula eu, ipsum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean fermentum. Nam nec ante. Praesent sed sapien. Cras consequat, erat nec semper venenatis, tellus justo viverra risus, id pellentesque ante justo non nunc. Nunc suscipit. Duis vitae ante. Donec iaculis magna a massa. Morbi lacus.

Donec placerat metus lobortis metus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec iaculis. Vivamus feugiat ante ut elit. Cras tortor felis, lacinia ut, mollis sed, rutrum in, nibh. Integer viverra mi ac sapien. Duis vitae dolor id mi tincidunt consequat. Maecenas pretium odio at magna. Phasellus tristique, neque vel tristique condimentum, nisl nulla condimentum leo, sit amet volutpat est lorem id metus. Duis porttitor ipsum nec lorem. Sed orci. Etiam eros nisi, fermentum et, pulvinar sed, commodo id, justo. Vestibulum laoreet. Nam nec lorem. Pellentesque euismod quam eget eros. Quisque pretium interdum metus. Vivamus risus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce vulputate eleifend sem. Maecenas nibh urna, scelerisque at, viverra hendrerit, laoreet a, justo.

Aliquam pellentesque erat. Suspendisse venenatis. Curabitur lacus turpis, blandit quis, tristique sit amet, blandit eu, ligula. Fusce convallis urna et nibh. Etiam feugiat felis quis velit. Integer a urna eu tellus pulvinar tempor. Aenean venenatis. Nulla ipsum. Integer condimentum augue nec neque. Morbi commodo, tellus id posuere aliquam, felis enim congue lectus, eget condimentum libero ipsum ut dolor. Pellentesque non sem. Cras pharetra. Maecenas augue nibh, aliquam vel, mattis vitae, ultrices sed, erat.